SAVE THE DATE! ENIRDELM and NEPC conference “Collaborative Leadership for Resilient Educational Institutions,”
The ENIRDELM network and the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC), in collaboration with the University of Rijeka, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, are joining forces to organize the 33rd ENIRDELM Conference. We are honoured to announce that ENIRDELM 2025 conference will be organised in Rijeka, Croatia 25-28 September 2025. You are kindy invited to start planning your next ENIRDELM adventure! […]
Country Perspectives on Inclusive Leadership: UNESCO GEM & NEPC’s Regional Analysis
Building on the theme of the 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report on leadership in education, the GEM Report has partnered with the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPCs) on the 2025 Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia regional edition on leadership and inclusion. Drawing from the approach of the 2024/5 GEM Report and […]
Training of Trainers – Lead for EcoJustice!
From January 14 to 17, the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) organized a four-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program for partners of the Lead for EcoJustice project. This initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, aims to cultivate school cultures that prioritize ecological justice and sustainability. The training featured workshops, thought […]
Lead for inclusion: regional research and report on Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia
Building on the 2024/5 GEM Report’s focus on leadership in education, the GEM Report has partnered with the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC) for the 2025 regional edition on school leadership and inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia Within the project NEPC developed the research methodology (desk research framework, questionnaires, interview […]
Educational Leadership Network Europe
NEPC is a partner of the Educational Leadership Network Europe (ELNE), a community of education stakeholders working to enhance collaborative school leadership in Europe. This Europe-wide, network is currently composed of more than 60 member organisations from 25 countries at the European, national, regional, and local levels. ELNE members represent the voices of thousands of education employers, teachers, school heads, parents, students, […]
Beyond Growth: Rethinking Our Responsibility to the Planet
This article is the second installment in the edufocus series, NEPC’s multimedia platform for educational content covering a variety of topics in education. As part of the content wave on ecological justice, this article aims to expand upon the groundwork laid out by Burcu Meltem Arik in the first edufocus article on sustainability. Written by […]
Transforming Professional Development: Key Resources for CPD Educators
The first key resource developed under the Erasmus+ PIQET project by NEPC members: the Educational Research Institute (Slovenia) and Open Academy Step by Step (Croatia), in collaboration with the International Step by Step Association (Netherlands) is the PIQET Training Programme for Continuous Professional Development Educators. This three-day training model is based on the PIQET Principles […]
How to Approach Sustainability and Inclusion in Environmental Education?
NEPC presents the first article in the edufocus series, a dynamic educational content platform that provides resources on various current topics in education. The topic chosen for the first series of articles is environmental education. With the help of several renowned experts we hope to rethink how we teach about the environment and reevaluate our […]
PIQET Principles: Setting a New Global Standard for High-Quality CPD
Two NEPC members, the Educational Research Institute (Slovenia) and Open Academy Step by Step (Croatia), have joined forces together with the International Step by Step Association (Netherlands) under the PIQET initiative to publish a groundbreaking resource outlining nine quality principles for the recruitment, training, and ongoing support of continuous professional development (CPD) educators. PIQET principles […]
Lead for EcoJustice: Transforming School Cultures
The Lead for EcoJustice, led by the Network of Education Policy Centers, aligns with the call of many educational practitioners and scholars to transform schools toward an appreciation of nature, justice and sustainability. The program aims to improve schools’ processes and procedures according to ecojustice education and positively influence the present and future collective well-being […]
Enhancing Quality in Education: Strengthening the Role of CPD Educators
Quality pedagogy depends on well-educated and qualified staff. As schools and preschools become ever-more diverse, having well-trained teachers and staff becomes more important than ever. Teachers need to be able to assess everyday teaching situations and develop teaching responses that can be effective for all children under different circumstances. According to TALIS 2018, educators who […]
Manos Antoninis: “Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?”, UNESCO GEM Report Presentation
The 7th Primary Colors of Education conference: “ARISE for well-being” organized in partnership with NEPC members at the ARISE network has concluded last week. The theme of the conference was well-being in education, encompassing a wide range of topics such as school environment, intersectoral cooperation and crisis management. One of the more novel factors affecting […]
SIRIUS 3.0 – Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education
Network of Education Policy Centers has partnered with SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education and over 30 other partners from 18 countries for the new round of the SIRIUS initiative, SIRIUS 3.0 – Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education. SIRIUS 3.0 is a multistakeholder project aiming to facilitate the inclusion of migrant learners […]
Quality Education for All – North Macedonia
The Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje is currently carrying out an important initiative, “Quality Education for All – North Macedonia“, generously funded by Germany. This substantial project is underway, spanning from December 2022 and continuing until November 2025. Its overarching goal is to advance democracy and human rights within the realm of education, […]
Announcing the 7th NEPC Primary Colors of Education Conference – #ARISE for well-being!
We are excited to announce the ARISE FOR WELL-BEING conference, where we will come together to address one of the most pressing issues in education today – reducing the impact of inequalities. Join us in this transformative journey towards a brighter and more equitable future for all learners. What to Expect? Who Should Attend? Join […]
We are hiring: Communications Officer!
NEPC Communications Officer creates and implements communications strategies to support the
mission, the vision and the goals of the organisation. Communications officer is responsible to
Executive Director.
Embrace Multilingualism in Schools!
The importance of an environment that respects linguistic diversity and supports multilingualism is an integral part of international policy documents advocating for inclusion, equity, and quality education for every child. We invite you to rethink about the forms and levels of support that multilingual children have in schools in your country an in own your […]
6th Primary Colors of Education Conference
An inclusive approach to education should enable all students to access and fully participate in teaching and learning experiences and aims to ensure that all children and young people experience an education that enhances their learning and social relationships and prepares them for a quality adult life in the community. School leadership is influenced by […]
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders has entered the third project year!
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders is a Europe-wide network of relevant stakeholders that promotes cooperation and policy development and supports the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. The 4-year project co-funded by the European Union started in January 2019 and is coordinated by the European School Heads Association and currently includes 33 […]
ARISE: Planning the Actions to Reduce the Inequalities in the Education
NEPC, as a lead of the policy outreach and advocacy in the ARISE – Action for Reducing Inequalities in Education was a host of the ARISE: Regional Policy Lab held in Zagreb on 2nd and 3rd March 2022. Regional Policy Lab consisted of two elements: learning sessions and policy solution generating session. The event gathered over […]
Until we help our children feel safe, we cannot help them learn
Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) Executive Director, Lana Jurko, was one of the keynote speakers at the Conference “The interplay between child wellbeing and academic attainment” that was held on the 9th and 10th of March in Skopje. The conference was organized as a joint initiative of the Government of North Macedonia, British Embassy […]
‘I have realized we can make the difference’
One of the key challenges, project partners have realized in the intense work with school principals, is their low awareness about the power they have in contributing to key changes in their profession. As additional HEAD activity for Croatian school principals, on Feb 2nd and 3rd the ADVOCACY training for school principals and NGOs took […]
The implementation of the training within HEAD project has been finalized in Croatia and North Macedonia
The implementation of the training – HEAD Empowering school principals for inclusive school culture has been finalized in Croatia and North Macedonia and involved about 60 school principals from primary and secondary schools. School principals are recognized as crucial factor in the implementation of inclusive policy and establishment of inclusive school culture and the program starts […]
Inclusion in the professional development programs for school principals – the role of policy coalition
The HEAD project policy dimension is built on the premises that efficient policy solutions are the combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches. The participation of experts in the policy making is crucial for the quality and the legitimacy of the process and results. At the beginning of the HEAD project, partners from Croatia and North […]
The second and final day 5th NEPC Primary Colors of Education Conference was held online on the 7th December 2021 and offered insights to the change of the current education systems through two panel discussions. First panel opened the question on the role of policy networks and their outreach in the participation in the national […]
In the last decade, NEPC has been committed to building transnational and multistakeholder partnerships to support national voices and bring regional issues to the international arena. These partnerships are often a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge that may enrich the national debates about education. The first panel of the second day of Primary Colors of Education online conference (Tuesday, […]
Summary of the 1st day of NEPC Primary Colors of Education conference
The 5th NEPC Primary Colors of Education Conference was opened on Wednesday, December 1st. First day was focused on the ultimate and always out of reach goal, and that is inclusion in education, topic that is always actual, in the NEPC region and beyond. The conference was opened by Ulviyya Mikailova, NEPC governing board president […]
#BarcelonaPLA: Migrant youth at risk in the focus
As a member of the SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education, an international network that brings together key stakeholders in migration and education from around Europe, including policy makers, researchers, practitioners and representatives of migrant communities, and a dissemination partner in the SIRIUS Project, NEPC had a great opportunity and privilege to participate at the […]
The first day of NEPC Primary Colors of Education on-line conference, Wednesday, 1st of December, is dedicated to inclusion as an eternal topic in education whose interpretation, implementation and monitoring is ongoing in many countries of NEPC region (and wider). The pandemic shows that inclusive systems are more resilient in time of crisis and can provide adequate support to all learners. The […]
The 5th PRIMARY COLORS OF EDUCATION is traditional NEPC annual conference that collects narratives about education from the Network and wider. The challenges education systems faced during the pandemic demand education stakeholders to accelerate the discussion on the future of education and the role education systems should have in the time of crisis. The two […]
Network of Education Policy Centers supported six members’ initiatives within the Emergency Fund II with the aim to support members responses to education challenges through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Erasmus+ KA2 project ALCOR aims to build relationships between teachers and parents through digital multilingual learning. The project was named after a binary star Alcor which in Arabic means the “forgotten one” or the “neglected one” because its partner star Mizar is a much brighter star. While Mizar symbolizes the language of schooling, ALCOR […]
Evolution of the Understanding the Need for Social and Emotional Competencies and Diversity Awareness (SEDA) in Schools
HAND IN HAND: Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity related career challenges (HAND:ET) builds on the lessons learnt and insights from HAND IN HAND: Social and Emotional Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies – A Whole School Approach (HAND) which was recognized as one of the ten most relevant EU […]
Inclusive school culture: Reflection and action
The last module of professional development program for school principals on inclusion has been completed in Croatia! 15 primary school principals, from Croatia, completed the five-module program for inclusive school culture designed within HEAD project (Empowering School Principals for Inclusive School Culture). The program was implemented by The Open Academy Step by Step. The last […]
New roles and competences for teachers and school leaders in the digital age – Policy recommendations 2021
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders, a Europe-wide network of different organisations (policymakers, practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders) that aims to promote co-operation, policy development and implementation at different levels and to support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders, has published policy recommendations for policy makers and […]
Effects of COVID-19 and earthquake on Croatian education system
How did the coronavirus pandemic influence the lives of pupils in Croatia? Are educational workers in Croatia satisfied with governmental support? These are some of the questions NEPC member, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb addressed through a research-developmental project funded by Croatian Science Foundation and implemented in collaboration with Croatian Ministry of Science and […]
ARISE Summer School 2021 Bridging Equity Gaps in Education/School
NEPC Summer School 2021 Bridging Equity Gaps in Education will take place online, from 28th June to 2nd July, and will be dedicated to the topic of equity in education. This year, the Summer School is connected to the learning activities within the ARISE project, joined by NEPC in 2020. Though the Summer School is connected […]
HEAD: value based transformation towards inclusion
How our identity influence our attitude to diversity? How to avoid tokenism aiming to inclusion? How to transform targeted policies and practices in universal ones aiming to embed inclusion in our schools? These were the key questions discussed with the school leaders that participated the 3rd (out of 5 foreseen) module of Professional Development for school principals implemented within the frame of the Erasmus+ Project HEAD: Empowering School Principals for Inclusive School Culture led by NEPC
Heading for Headship – School leadership training in Netherlands and Slovenia as good practices
To benefit from diverse international experiences and practices NSO-CNA and NSLE illustrate in this paper their national educational context, approaches and methods on school leadership training.
HAND IN HAND: Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity related career challenges
The project focuses on teachers by supporting their development of social and emotional competencies as well as their diversity awareness (SEDA) to empower them for the complexity of everyday working life with increasingly diverse classrooms and enable them to deal flexibly with new challenges. It also puts the teachers’ well-being at the center by highlighting how developing SEDA competencies simultaneously fosters self-care for teachers, giving a central role to the voices of teachers.
The years 2020 and 2021 will be remembered. These are the years marked by the COVID19 pandemic, which had an impact on our way of life on many levels. One of the sectors deeply affected by it, due to the peculiarity of its nature, is education. All of a sudden, learners around the world could […]
The European Education Policy Network (EEPN) published five desk researches approaching the topic of digital age from different perspectives.
Radmila Rangelov Jusović – Commemoration on May 13th at 14:00 CEST
You are invited to save the date for a Commemoration for our Rada on March 19th at 13:00 CET. More information will be shared about how to join in the coming weeks.
The GEM Regional Report Eurasia is now available
Building on the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report, the report investigates the common obstacles to the implementation of inclusive education strategies in these geographies
GEM Regional Report Eurasia will be presented at the Trends in Education Development Conference in Moscow
The GEM Report and partners will present key findings from the 2021 Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia report Inclusion in education: All means all, during the 18th annual conference hosted by NEPC member Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences that will take place online from February 18th until February 20th 2021.
Launch of the 2021 GEM Report Eurasia on Inclusion and Education
On February 12th 2021 at 10:00 a.m. CEST, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring, the Network of Education Policy Centers – NEPC, and the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education will launch the the 2021 Global Education Monitoring Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Report – Inclusion and education: All means all.
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN), of which NEPC is a member, aims to promote co-operation, policy development and implementation at different governance levels, and to support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. It its second years, it is looking into a number of topics related […]
Collaboration and diversity awareness at the core inclusive school culture: the principals’ voice
NEPC conducted a survey to investigate school principals’ needs in the area of professional development related to inclusion.
Integrity in education: launch of a cross-country synthesis of findings from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Mongolia
On December 2nd 2020, the Center for Applied Policy and Integrity and the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC) will hold a webinar to launch a new joint report on integrity of human and financial resources in school education
A glance at the future with education in mind
Within the UNESCO initiative Futures of Education, NEPC organised a focus group with educational experts from all over the vast NEPC region to discuss the role and features of education in the future considering the unprecedented global challenges.
Students’ participation for a democratic and participative society: a background analysis
As a part of preparation for future policy engagement, the “Start the change – creating a generation of change makers through intercultural education and volunteering” (STC) project, led by Forum for Freedom in Education, published the paper “Students’ participation: Policy and Practice to Start the Change”. To enlighten the importance of students’ voice in education, […]
“Back to school: learning and thinking about the new school year!” – a NEPC webinar
On September 25th at 12:00 pm (noon) CEST NEPC will host a free webinar to share good examples for school support of students’ development well-being and learning continuity to children in this unprecedented school year.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 18# – Daily resources for teachers, principals, parents and children by COI Step by Step
CEI Step by Step has been developing and posting diverse resources for over 10.000 teachers, members of Community of Innovative Teachers, as well as school principals, parents and children from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Region. Monday become time for sharing teaching strategies aiming to improve students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s also a day for weekly challenge for children, and their work has been presented in children’s magazine published every Sunday. Tuesday is all about teaching and talking about human values. Wednesday is a day for laugh, music and art, but also resources for principals such as Leadership in time of crises, and parents – How to survive parenting in a corona time. On Thursday we present large number of ideas send by teachers to other teachers (see here), while on Friday we suggest books, online theater performances and movies together with activities for children.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 17# – WhatsApp groups of Parent Councils established by Children are the Future
WhatsApp groups of Parent Councils and a joint Parents Network group were established, joined by CAF representatives, and were active in sharing challenges, helpful information and recommendations. In addition, along with frequent contacts with school leaders, parents, teachers and even students, joint Skype meetings have been organized, serving as an effective platform for sharing information, challenges faced, lessons learned and as peer learning opportunities.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 16# – “How to talk about Coronavirus with students?” – a publication by Forum for Freedom in Education
This publication consists of more than 25 activities suggested with the aim of: informing the students about the importance of maintaining a regular personal hygiene; getting familiar with the current situation according to their age in order to understand what is happening and how they can contribute to prevent the spread of the virus; encouraging to read current and quality information about the situation from reliable, trustworthy and relevant sources and pointing at the importance of respect of human dignity in all situations with the goal of preventing the spread of hate speech, xenophobia and prejudice.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 15# – Learning activities for language and maths development by Step by Step North Macedonia on Facebook
The teachers share those activities with their students in the online communication. Some of the Step by Step trainers (primary school teachers) were invited by the Ministry to prepare TV classes, and they use the activities from the manuals in the preparation. Step by Step Facebook page is used also for communication with the parents, sharing everyday fun learning activities for language and math development. We also prepare or translate for parents the resources on topics such as How to help students to cope with extended school hours, how to talk with kids about Corona virus, tips for families on self-care and coping with stress in these challenging times, etc.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 14# – A platform for online learning, monitoring and evaluation by proMENTE social research
proMENTE is developing a hybrid model of teaching that combines the educational processes of online teaching and classroom teaching, since such models deliver the best results in terms of efficiency and fulfillment of learning goals and outcomes. The platform we are developing using the principles of social constructivism theory as educational theory.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 13# – “Effect of Coronavirus on Education”, a series by Education Reform Initiative
As the Education Reform Initiative (ERG), we work to monitor the actions taken by the Ministry of National Education. We focus on particularly vulnerable groups, children at risk (Roma, girls, refugees, seasonal workers, etc.) and the digital gap. We initiated blog articles “Effect of Coronavirus on Education”, interviewed the vulnerable communities and shared their voices and the actions of NGOs that support these groups. We also have weekly online surveys for teachers to understand their needs and feelings, hear their voices, and share with the general public. The Teachers Network that we execute has direct contact with teachers, and they support each other.
NEPC Summer School 2020: “And yet it moves! we need new education for new normality” – All lectures available on line
The Summer School features as key note speakers Ece Temelkuran, award-winning Turkish novelist and political commentator, and Mladen Domzet, physicist and philosopher, research director at the Institute for Political Ecology in Zagreb, Croatia.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 12# – Coping strategies of pupils facing pandemic and earthquake: an analysis by ISRZ-CERD
Needs assessment questionnaire was developed and administered online in three secondary schools in March 2020 in order to gain an immediate insight into the stress and coping strategies of pupils facing pandemic and Zagreb earthquake as well as the demands of distance learning. Results have been reported to schools along with the recommendations on the strategies of supporting pupils and have received media coverage. ISRZ – CERD team designed a project proposal submitted to the recent COVID-related call of the Croatian Science Foundation. The proposed research project aims to explore educational and psychosocial aspects of distance learning implementation in Croatian pre-tertiary education in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, bringing together perspectives of pupils, parents and educational workers.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? 11# – Storytelling analysis of teachers’ perspective on distant teaching by Centre for Education Policy
CEP addressed students and teachers in two main ways. Firstly, CEP identified the needs of schools – how many students do not have access to online/TV teaching and learning, i.e. how many students are in need of ICT devices, and how many teachers need ICT devices for implementation of distant teaching. Based on this, PCF and its partners (including CEP) approached potential donors with the aim of procuring needed devices, as well as accompanying internet packages. Secondly, CEP initiated exploration of teachers’ perspectives on distant teaching in the times of COVID-19 pandemic, through storytelling. The aim of this research is to map what constitutes teachers’ experience during the state of emergency and therefore to provide recommendations for the project and the education policies.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? – 10# Computers and internet access for vulnerable groups – the OSF Prague initiatives
OSF Prague has been helping in providing computers and internet access for vulnerable groups (within the Ucíme online project) and has launched an emergency call for NGOs working in the ECD field to provide the basic and immediate support also for the youngest children and their families.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? – 9# Video tutorials on OER and digital tools for teachers by ProDidactica
In the period April 14-29, 2020, teachers from 91 technical vocational education institutions attended 9 online sessions on using distance educational technologies during lockdown due to COVID19 outbreak. The training program is organised within the Shift Edu project “Digital skills for employment in the modern economy”, implemented by PRO DIDATICA..
Actions in 25 schools reducing inequalities in education – the ARISE project
The ARISE project is a platform created by a pool of NEPC members NGOs from Western Balkans and Turkey that will support schools, grassroots organisations and policy makers in developing actions and policies aimed at reducing inequalities in education.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? – 8# Online training series for teachers and students by Kosova Education Center
A swift reaction to the new situation led to the adjustments in delivering the training from the traditional methods into the online ones. These adjustments included the adaptation of training materials; training on the use of online platforms for the staff, trainers and beneficiaries so that the training be provided with the utmost quality. The first online training was successfully delivered, including the first online certification ceremony of teachers and school directors. Other online training is being conducted continuously. There are also many other activities being organised with students in order to engage them during this time.
WHAT DO WE DO TO RESPOND TO COVID EDUCATION EMERGENCY? – 7# Support to schools and parents from rural areas by Mongolian Education Alliance
Mongolian Education Alliance (MEA) serves as a CSO representative in the Education Cluster which is part of the Humanitarian Country Team that exists in most of the countries. The Education Cluster has been active in steering the work of the education sector during the school closure that started in January 27. MEA has been voicing the CSO position, especially that on equity and inclusive education issues, in the planning and response measures. As part of our community schools initiative, we are providing online support to rural schools in providing support to parents during the school closure and on TV lessons.
6 responses to COVID 19 education challenge supported by NEPC emergency fund
In response to the prompt and extensive response of our members to support schools and teachers in the COVID 19 emergency, NEPC opened an emergency fund for its members that could support 6 initiatives: 1# Community of Teachers in Action – Center for Educational Initiatives Step by Step, Bosnia and Herzegovina Overall objective of the […]
WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM CORONA VIRUS SITUATION? #6 – the danger of amplifying integrity violations
The impact of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is immense for numerous reasons. On one hand, most countries in the world have closed down schools and moved to some type of online learning which will surely impact the quality of learning but at the same time impacts the home lives of […]
What can we learn from Corona virus situation? #5 – Education, democracy, sustainability
The impact of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is immense for numerous reasons. On one hand, most countries in the world have closed down schools and moved to some type of online learning which will surely impact the quality of learning but at the same time impacts the home lives of […]
Integrity project results presented at CIES 2020
The synthesis report and 2 country cases issued within the frame of the Integrity of education systems project will be presented at a panel of the CIES 2020 conference in its on-line mode (vCIES), on Monday the 27th 2020, at 2 pm CEST. The research has been conducted in line with the INTES research protocols and […]
Reflections from NEPC on implications of Covid-19 pandemic
The emergency requires prompt action yet careful consideration World Health Organization announced COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic on March 12th. In less than a month we all learnt what is exponential growth, new phrases (flattening the curve), proper way to sneeze, how to balance home and work life in one space and many more. […]
What can we learn from corona-virus situation? #4 – The future of on-line education
The impact of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is immense for numerous reasons. On one hand, most countries in the world have closed down schools and moved to some type of online learning which will surely impact the quality of learning but at the same time impacts the home lives of […]
What can we learn from corona-virus situation? #3 – The importance of empathy in schools
The impact of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is immense for numerous reasons. On one hand, most countries in the world have closed down schools and moved to some type of online learning which will surely impact the quality of learning but at the same time impacts the home lives of […]
What can we learn from corona-virus situation? #2 – Implications of on-line education
The impact of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is immense for numerous reasons. On one hand, most countries in the world have closed down schools and moved to some type of online learning which will surely impact the quality of learning but at the same time impacts the home lives of […]
What can we learn from corona-virus situation? #1 – Teaching in stressful situations
The impact of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is immense for numerous reasons. On one hand, most countries in the world have closed down schools and moved to some type of online learning which will surely impact the quality of learning but at the same time impacts the home lives of […]
Changes that have been happening in the world and Europe in the last couple of years seem to continue and intensify. Populist leaders with extreme rhetoric are (re)elected in EU member states, social distance towards minority groups increases, and European countries participate in armed assaults in war laden parts of the world. Increase of social […]
Socio-emotional learning for active citizenship
This article is based on the study visit report, compiled by representatives of visit organisations: Educational Research Institute (Slovenia), Center for Education Policies (CEP, Serbia) and Center for Innovation in Education (CIE, Azerbaijan) Socio-emotional well-being of the student is crucial not only for achievement and learning, but also to support civic engagement. The 2019 NEPC […]
Policy recommendations on effective career paths for teachers and school leaders by EEPN project
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN) project completed its first year dedicated to the topic career and professional development of school staff and issued its Policy Recommendations, based on desk research, inspiring practices from various European countries and discussions at the Annual Conference. The Policy Recommendations are related to the improvement of the motivation […]
PISA 2018 and equity: in Estonia all students can succeed
The 2018 PISA results published recently confirm that Estonia is one of the most performing educational systems in the world. Not only are Estonian students exceeding the OECD average number of high achievers, but also, the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students is low, making the Estonian system one of the most equitable worldwide. […]
Hand in Hand conference “Do we need an relational revolution in schools?”
The HAND in HAND project entered in its final phase and its outcomes and results will be presented during the final conference «Do We Need a Relational Revolution in Schools? Social, Emotional and Intercultural Competences for Inclusive Societies» that will take place in Zadar, Croatia, on January 28th & 29th 2020. The event features as […]
Final conference of the HAND in HAND project: save the date!
The final conference “Do we need a relational revolution in schools? Social, emotional and intercultural competences for inclusive societies” of the Erasmus+ project Hand in Hand on socioemotional learning, in which NEPC is a partner, will take place on the 28th & 29th January 2020, in Zadar, Croatia (Hotel Kolovare). The outcomes of the project […]
Multilingual materials for children with a migrant background: AVIOR project’s outcomes published
The AVIOR – Multilingual Material for children with a migrant background in Europe project issues its final outcomes that are now published on the project web-page. Among the main outputs, a selection of open source bilingual materials and a user guide for the implementation of multilingual learning activities in the classroom are now available. AVIOR-project […]
Professional development on inclusion for school leaders: a pilot project in Croatia and North Macedonia
There is a common misconception that (school) leaders are born into it. Perhaps, this misconception has brought us to the situation that in some countries in Europe, professional development of school principals has been neglected or is non-existent, though school leaders play a significant role in the creation of positive and inclusive school cultures, for […]
Integrity of education systems: assessments to investigate risks of corruption and solutions
Despite numerous initiatives and projects that have been implemented to address the corruption challenge, survey respondents in countries of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region are still among those most likely to report incidence of corruption in public education. Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) and Center for Applied Policy and Integrity (CAPI) joint efforts […]
EEPN multi-perspective research on career and professional development of school staff is now available
European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN) project published its first year research dedicated to the topic of career and professional development of school staff. The network represents a broad geographic scope and a variety of backgrounds of participating institutions and associations, from policy, practice and it addressed the theme with a […]
European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders is a Europe-wide network of relevant organisations (policymakers, practitioners, researchers and stakeholders) to promote co-operation, policy development and implementation at different governance levels, and to support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. The 4-year project co-funded by the European Union started […]
Sirius study visit in Ireland: Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools program
St. Mary’s is a primary school situated in Dublin’s north inner city where the 88% of the students has English as an additional language, representing over 30 different nationalities. A place where many languages, cultures and religions meet and co-exist on daily basis. It is one of 896 Irish schools that in the 2018/2019 school […]
Inclusive Education for All: from Ideas to Action A student-centred approach to support social cohesion
ZAGREB – Ensuring every child’s full potential should be the top priority for education policy makers and practitioners worldwide. If the visions of UN Sustainable Development Goals and EU European Education Area are to be achieved, legal and policy frameworks, as well as effective delivery systems, have to be in place and implemented. As a […]
Integrity of education systems: assessments to investigate risks of corruption and solutions
Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) and Center for Applied Policy and Integrity (CAPI) joint efforts to investigate corruption risks in education in these geographies and to create the conditions for replicating expertise and locally-led integrity assessments in the region. The assessment is based on the INTES methodology and evidence collection tools developed by CAPI […]
Sirius study visit in Croatia: institutional and non-institutional support to students
ZAGREB – A. is a youngster who left Afghanistan for Iran, where he attended school. Then he and his family left Iran for Europe. They settle at first in Austria, where A. learnt German to attend the school there. One day, they moved to Croatia. He is now 17 years old and he is learning […]
Breaking the Poverty Taboo – Creative Ideas for Mitigating the Effects of Poverty: School-Based Activities
The handbook for teachers and school staff Breaking the poverty taboo – Creative ideas for mitigating the effects of poverty: school-based activities, developed within the frame of the BRAVEdu project, is now available. The publication features workshops and activities tailored for teachers, parents and students to support them, different co-actors in the education process, in tackling […]
NEPC Summer School 2019 “Emotions Matter: Socio-Emotional Learning in Education”
23rd – 29th (5 days program) June 2019, Trakošćan, Croatia In NEPC region, teachers have been beneficiary of wide range of professional development program aiming at professional and personal development. Do teachers need to be equipped for developing socio-emotional competences in children or be enhanced to build their own socio- emotional competences? In the perspective […]
How to evaluate the effectiveness of educational institutions? Considerations from the 16th MSSES International Scientific and Practical Conference
By Elmina Kazimzade, Center for Innovations in Education – Azerbaijan Do teachers’ competitions/awards impact teaching and learning quality at school level? Does a teacher-winner become innovative leader in classroom/school/region? These were the provocative and thoughtful questions raised at the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tendencies of Education Development”, organised by NEPC member Moscow School […]
Socio-Economic Status and Education – Estonian case
The analytical report Socio-Economic Status and Education – Estonian case, outlined within the frame of the BRAVEdu project, is now available. The overall objective of BRAVEdu proposal is to strengthen the capacity of schools to support disadvantage learners from low socio-economic status (SES) in achieving better learning outcomes, through exploring and analysing policies and practices […]
NEPC Study Visit 2018: Anti-Dropout Best Practices in Serbia
At the end of November 2018, the Center for Education Policy (CEP) from Belgrade hosted the Open Society Fund (OSF) Prague delegation to present the results of the projects “Combating early school leaving in Serbia through effective dropout prevention and intervention measures at the school level”; “Support to education of migrant children/refugees in the Republic […]
IIEP-UNESCO & NEPC Course ‘Transparency, Accountability, and Anti-corruption Measures in Education’
The course ‘Transparency, Accountability, and Anti-corruption Measures in Education’, organised jointly by UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC), in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 4th to 6th October 2018, with the aim of strengthening participants’ skills in assessing corruption risks, selecting adequate tools, and formulating strategies to address […]
The month of webinars at NEPC
December is the time of the year that NEPC dedicates to its webinars. The 2018 series covers the topic of anti-corruption measures in education and the topic of educational policies and practices supporting equity. The first webinar will take place on Thursday, December 13, at 12 CET, titled “Transparency, Accountability, and Anti-corruption Measures in Education: […]
Final conference of Forum for Freedom in Education project “Start the Change”
The final conference of the project “Start the Change”, led by NEPC network member Forum for Freedom in Education, will take place in Zagreb, on November the 23rd 2018, in Zagreb, Croatia. The aim of project is to support young people and their teachers to initiate intercultural and peace building projects focused on preventing radicalisation […]
IIEP-Unesco Strategic Debate – “Lessons in educational policy-making”
IIEP-Unesco will hold the Strategic Debate “Lessons in educational policy-making: perspectives from two education ministers” on November the 15th 2018, from 4 pm to 6 pm CET, at the IIEP-UNESCO auditorium in Paris. The event features Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, former Education Minister for France, and Stefania Giannini, former Education Minister for Italy, and now Assistant-Director General for […]
Fostering a Democratic School Culture – Study Visit Croatia
On September 24-25, 2018, NEPC hosted the group of primary school teachers and school support staff from Kosovo, who visited Croatia within the framework of the Council of Europe – Office in Pristina project “Fostering a Democratic School Culture and Diversity in Schools“. After the introductory lecture on how the Croatian education system works, by […]
“Tackling Economic Inequalities in Schools” – NEPC Summer School 2018 in short
As an integral part of the BRAVEdu project, the 2018 NEPC Summer School was designed to explore and further develop existing policies and practices aimed at improving the educational experience of (school-aged) students with low socio-economic status (SES). 33 participants from 10 countries gathered in Brela, Croatia, to examine the findings of the BRAVEdu study […]
Newly arrived students: from prior learning and welcome classes to mainstream courses in North-Rhine-Westphalia
Brussels –A SIRIUS members’ delegation visited in mid-July North-Rhine-Westphalia to explore how the educational system of this Bundesland is providing education to newly arrived students (NAS), with a focus on the transition from the welcome classes to the mainstream classes. The peer learning activity was organised in the frame of the SIRIUS Network fourth course […]
Leadership in education: interaction of policies, schools and community
NEPC 2018 annual conference, that took place in Baška, Croatia, on April 16th-17th, was dedicated to School Leadership, as a natural continuation of the past three year’s strategical exploration of the topic. NEPC has been exploring school leadership directly through its two recent studies on school governance (Gabršček, 2016; Lenskaya, 2017). Studies show the great power and […]
2nd Regional PolicyNet conference within the framework of the Joint European Union and Council of Europe Programme “Regional Support for Inclusive Education”.
Organizer: Council of Europe Skopje, Macedonia 27th & 28th May 2015 NEPC was represented by Lana Jurko (Ex Di) The objectives of the conference were to endorse the regional policy recommendations on inclusive education by the PolicyNet and to develop action plans for inclusive education at beneficiary level. Lana Jurko had a presentation on the […]
Inclusion of youngsters from vulnerable socio-economic context: the “Choice Program” in Portugal
SIRIUS’ member High Commission for Migration in Portugal (ACM) received on May 3rd and 4th several other SIRIUS’ members and stakeholders for the SIRIUS Peer Learning Activity, promoted by ACM and the University of Porto (CIIE). The peer learning activity was organised in the frame of the SIRIUS network fourth (besides SIRIUS watch, SIRIUS national […]
NEPC CONFERENCE The Primary Colours of Education #3 – School Leadership Matters
In 2018, NEPC held a conference SCHOOL LEADERSHIP MATTERS which took place in Baška, on the island of Krk, Croatia, on 16th & 17th April. Conference in numbers: 2 days 3 keynote speakers 65 participants 40 speakers The conference reflected NEPC’s working approach based on EXPLORING education with the aim of creating adequate recommendations and […]
The Primary Colours of Education I NEPC @10
NEPC organized International Conference The Primary Colours of Education in Cavtat 13th & 14th April 2016. The conference covered a wide range of topics, described education policies and practices in the NEPC region and beyond: outlining the factors that influence education, exploring education reforms and reflecting on old and emerging challenges in education systems.In the […]
“The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background”: a report by OECD and European Commission
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recently issued the report “The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background – Factors that Shape Well-being”, mandated by the European Commission. The report’s main findings highlight that immigrant students are struggling to integrate in schools in many Member States, often due to lower socio-economic status and […]
Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina: What Do We (not) Teach Children? A study by proMENTE
What do we teach children? And what do we not teach? proMente social research answered these questions in a research that analyzed a total of 2,688 lessons in 68 textbooks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research was conducted during the 2015/2016 school year and was done with the intention of evaluating the results of the primary education. […]
Gender Gaps in Student Achievement in Turkey Evidence From PISA 2015 and TIMSS 2015: a policy note from Aydın Doğan Foundation and Education Reform Initiative
Aydın Doğan Foundation and Education Reform Initiative analysed performance differences between girls and boys in PISA 2015 and TIMSS 2015 and issued a policy note based on the main findings of “Gender Gaps in Student Achievement in Turkey” studies. In the policy note, both PISA and TIMSS data is analysed based on gender, and endowments of girls […]
The “Oscars” for teachers at the Sarajevo Education Fair 2017
On December 8th the 2017 Education Fair organized by the NGO Step by Step Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in Sarajevo, at the Youth Center “Skenderija”. Over 30 organizations, institutions and schools presented their innovative practices and projects to educational workers, parents, and students, as well as to the general audience. The Fair is conceived […]
The Russian School Governance study as a base for other post-socialist countries analyses
An exploration of the Russian school governance system with its challenges and possible solutions was the aim of a three day study visits conducted by a group of NEPC members held in Moscow, from October 17th to October 19th 2017. The participants, representative of the Centre for Education Policy (CEP), Belgrade, Serbia, of Children Are […]
Dropout prevention and support to education of migrants in Serbia
The Center for Education Policy (CEP) from Belgrade hosted in October a NEPC delegation to present the implications and the results of the project “Combating early school leaving in Serbia through effective dropout prevention and intervention measures at the school level” and of the project “Support to education of migrant children/refugees in the Republic […]
“Start the change” to prevent radicalization – first project year at Forum for Freedom in Education
From the promotion of volunteering for a peace building culture in Croatian schools to the international context. The Forum for Freedom in Education ( project “Start the change”, co-funded by European Union (EACEA), could be considered as an extension beyond the national borders of the previous experience acquired by the organization in fostering the prevention […]
Education in a Post-Truth Society
By Aleesha Taylor, NEPC Program Adviser Are we in a post-fact or post-truth global society? Some make the case that evidence is no more or less central to decision-making than in the past, and that assumptions that we’ve transitioned to a post-fact society simply reflect increased access to information that reinforces our beliefs and what we […]
9th Regional Conference of Educators: “Teachers are Important”
Three NEPC representatives: Snježana Duić, teacher at Dr. Vinko Žganec Elementary School in Zagreb, Borislava Maksimović from The Center for Education Policy Belgrade, and Mario Bajkuša from The Forum for Freedom in Education Zagreb, attended The Regional Conference of Educators, organized by The Centre for Educational Initiatives – Step by Step, from Sarajevo. The event […]
Sirius Policy Brief – School Leaders Advocates for Refugee and Migrant Students
Lana Jurko – Network of Education Policy Centers Introduction SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education has since 2012 debated and researched policy priorities for migrant education and inclusion. Although its research did not specifically zoom in on the roles and responsibilities of the School leaders in this regards, the SIRIUS Agenda for Migrant Education in […]
BRAVEdu: Breaking the Poverty Taboo: Roles and Responsibilities of Education
The BRAVEdu project, “Breaking the Poverty Taboo: Roles and Responsibilities of Education”, funded by the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Programme of the European Union, has its premises in the fact that poverty and social exclusion limit opportunities of individuals to achieve their full potential by affecting their wellbeing and lowering educational outcomes. The PISA 2015 […]
The HAND in HAND project
The HAND in HAND project, “Social and Emotional Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies (A Whole School Approach)”, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Key Action 3 Programme of the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Croatia – Office for Cooperation with NGOs, provides a unique opportunity for collaboration on the international level to […]
Community Building Through Inclusive Education
As of 2016, Turkey hosts more than 2.8 million refugees from Syria, which is more than half of the Syrian refugee population in the Middle East region. While ensuring that every refugee child has access to quality education is of the highest importance, “the refugee crisis” urges us to rethink the way that the Turkish […]
Supporting VET teachers’ Continuous Professional Development through e-Portfolio
Centre for Education Policy implements the project Supporting VET teachers’ Continuous Professional Development through e-Portfolio. The project aims to promote e-Portfolio in VET schools in Serbia. As a first step the beneficiary organisation will develop a web portal dedicated to e-Portfolio containing educational resources for school management and teachers. A series of Train the Trainer […]
Project: Coordination of demonstration projects in the SEET region NEPC Role: Coordination of demonstration projects in SEET Region Duration: 12 months, 2017 Partners: Albania, Irisoft Education; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education; Kosovo, Institute for Training and Economic Development (ITED); Macedonia, Harvest of Knowledge; Montenegro, Ministry of Education; Serbia, Centre for […]
SIRIUS 2.0 capitalises the work SIRIUS has been carrying on migrant education since 2012 when the 3-year Life Long Learning funded project SIRIUS was kicked-off. The project takes the work of SIRIUS to the next level of sustainability. Building on the practical learning and tools designed from 2012-2016, the SIRIUS 2.0 uses these and other […]
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Trends of Education Development
Our Russian member Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences will be hosting its 14th educational conference «Trends of Education Development» Standards in Education: who benefits from their existence and how can their quality be appraised Moscow, February 16-18th, 2017 The topic selected is of relevance to educators across the globe. While educational standards exist in almost […]
Open Source Multilingual Teaching Materials Forum for Migrant Pupils in Europe – AVIOR
Partners: Risbo B.V. (The Netherlands), Rutu Foundation for INtercultural Multilingual Education (The Netherlands), Europaisches forum fuer migrationsstudien ev (Germany), University of Western Macedonia (Greece), Praxis (Estonia), Terremondo cooperativa sociale arl (Italy) NEPC Role: Project partner Duration: 2016-2019 Funded by: EC – Erasmus+ This project seeks to reduce disparities in learning outcomes in basic literacy and […]
Strengthening Teaching and Learning Practices to Support Roma students in Macedonia
The data for the Roma inclusion index shows that: compared to other students, 23% fewer Roma students finished primary school; compared to other students, Roma students are enrolling 2.5 times more in special schools or special classes within regular schools than others; and still near one quarter of Roma students receive education in segregated schools […]
Educational change: Challenges and Expectations
Institute for Social Reserach in Zagreb – Centre for Educational Reserach and development organizes the 3rd Days of Educational Sciences Educational change: Challenges and Expectations (Zagreb – Croatia, Oct. 20 & 21) In recent years we have witnessed the intensification of the professional and public debate on educational changes, from those that permeate the whole […]
Managing Change and Uncertainty: Education for the Future
The report of NEPC Summer School 2016 – Managing Change and Uncertainty: Education for the Future – is now available here The summer school has demonstrated the need to promote, advocate, accept and implement change in education and education systems if they are to remain relevant and beneficial to its users. The perspectives from different […]
Who rules the schools?
Mapping of the current school governance policies in 10 countries The study is the result of extensive research into the policies and practices of ten countries from the NEPC region on how their schools are governed. It includes a description of the country specific context for each studied country . It also provides a comprehensive […]
Upon conducting the Policy and practice analysis of the teacher professional and career development in the Republic of Macedonia, based on the recommendations from the analysis, the working groups, consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science, the Bureau for Development of Education, the Vocational Education and Training Centre, the State Education Inspectorate, […]
Education for Social Justice
EU Support for the Implementation of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Strategy 2– Education for integration (hereafter only EU SIMRAES 2) aims to support Kosovo government in the implementation of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Strategy and its Action Plan. The project is funded by European Union and is being implemented by Kosovo Foundation for […]
Inclusive education in Canada is a reality
Karin Marques I Education and Youth Program Coordinator I NADACE Open Society Fund PRAHA When Harland Sanders began selling fried chicken, he was no different from anyone else. What turned his efforts into the famous KFC restaurant was a few small details, among them the secret ingredients of his spice mix. What is the secret ingredient […]
Summer School: Last Call for Participants!
Managing change and uncertainty: education for the future I Shkembi Kavajes, Durres, Albania, 3rd – 9th July 2016 From the lectures abstracts… Degrowth, Democracy, Education Onofrio Romano, University of Bari, Italy Drawing inspiration from Mediterranean anthropologies, I propose a foundation of degrowth on a human subject of ‘‘de-thinking’’ and I discuss the political and educational […]
On Wednesday, June 1, citizens of Croatia will participate in demonstrations under the slogan Croatia can do better! The demonstrations will be simultaneously held in 13 towns in Croatia as well as in London, Budapest, Shanghai & Paris (more towns are getting organized) WHY? For the past 16 months, the Comprehensive Curricular Reform has been […]
Summer School 2016: Call for participants!
Managing Change and Uncertainty: Education for the Future Shkembi Kavajes I Durres 3rd – 9th July 2016 When facing the challenges of transition of our societies to the path of sustainability, education is always put on the forefront of the struggle. As much as we, as educators, believe in the power of education and appreciate […]
NEPC Member from Lithuania,The Education Policy Center (EPC VU) organizes the conference EDUCATION POLICY AND CULTURE: CONSISTENT AND / OR RADICAL TRANSFORMATIONS (21 -22 October 2016 I Vilnius, Lithuania). In the analysis of the ties between education policy and culture, the influence of global and national policies on education and culture are in the main […]
SHARE from Centre for Education Policy
This project aims at improving the effectiveness of the system for external evaluation of the quality of work in schools and developing horizontal learning between schools. It has been officially launched in April 2015 and it will be implemented until December 2016. System of external evaluation has been introduced in Serbia in 2012 and the […]
Thinking about Teachers, Teaching and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 18th & 19th April, 2016
Lana Jurko was invited to present the NEPC region perspective and collected knowledge on Sustainability Education and its effect on teachers in our region. The Seminar was organized in partnership with Open Society Foundations (OSF), Education International (EI), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The seminar brought toghether practitioners, researchers and policy-makers committed to enhancing the development of […]
Education, Participation, Integration – Erasmus+ and Refugees conference
Organizer: BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training – Germany) Essen, Germany 19th & 20th April 2016 Marwan Zeitoun attended the Education, Participation, Integration – Erasmus+ and Refugees conference in Essen. The aim of the conference was providing networking and support to institutions and organizations with facilitation the integration of refugees, exchange and utilization […]
The Primary Colours of Education I NEPC @10
NEPC organized International Conference The Primary Colours of Education in Cavtat 13th & 14th April 2016. The conference covered a wide range of topics, described education policies and practices in the NEPC region and beyond: outlining the factors that influence education, exploring education reforms and reflecting on old and emerging challenges in education systems. In […]
Welcome to the new web-page of the Network of Education Policy Centers! New web-page marks the beginning of NEPC celebration activities for its 10th Anniversary – celebrations are ideal n individual as well organization lives to present and reflect on achievements while planning for the future having history in mind! The new slogan of the […]
Education Monitoring Report 2014-15
Published annually by Education Reform Initiative (ERI) since 2008, Education Monitoring Reports offer objective, evidence-based and comprehensive assessments on education policy developments in Turkey. Education Monitoring Report 2014-15 addresses a wide range of issues including newly introduced vouchers for private schools, ongoing transformation of private tutoring centers, access to basic education, working children and Syrian children’s […]
The project “For qualitative and sustainable education reforms” was focused on strengthening and implementation of education reforms stipulated in the Education Code and relevant normative acts. The main goal of the project is to contribute to strengthening and promoting the educational reforms in Moldova by providing a favorable framework for both, the persisting problems regarding […]
How to Talk with Children and Youth on Refugee Crisis
Since last summer South East Europe has been affected by the refugee crisis with huge influx of people from the Middle East traveling to West Europe, looking for safe place from war and insecurities in their countries. This situation raised a lot of questions before us with one being on the way children and young […]
Campaign Living Values
Values are the principles, basic beliefs and ideals that guide us in life. Values shape our behavior and influence the decisions we make. As a part of the project “Education for a Just Society”, supported by USAID and the OSF BH, Center for Educational Initiatives Step by Step is launching a campaign named LIVING VALUES. […]
History teaching should not be about providing answers, but about asking the right questions At the end of January this year, more than 70 teachers, researchers, students, parents, NGO activists and EU civil servants attended an interesting conference at the European Parliament in Brussels. This event, as a part of the NEPC project Making History […]
Education – incubator for a sustainable future: how can public education empower citizens for global sustainability? 28th June – 2nd July 2015, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia The NEPC summer schools 2015 aims to show that education systems and schools are by default incubators of future and explore whether our education systems today contribute to unsustainability, how […]
NAOS – Professional Capacity Dealing with Diversity
The challenges involved in taking care of the diverse needs of migrant students require strategies to be taken at the school level and system level.
Mapping School Governance in NEPC Region
How are schools governed? How are leadership and the responsibilities of school management distributed? Which accountability mechanisms are used? Pubblication available here! The Study compares and critically analyses the basic models of governance in participating countries with regard to distribution of leadership, management and funding responsibilities, stakeholder participation and partnership, accountability mechanisms and leadership styles […]
Support to Pilot Schools for Implementing Inclusive Education Policies and Practices
What do we actually mean by Inclusive Education? Do different actors in education have a different understanding of inclusive education? Why an inclusive school is a good school for every child? How can school development plans help us make education systems more inclusive? Figures and Facts “Regional Support for Inclusive Education” is a joint […]
Mapping Teachers Policy In NEPC Region 2014
What is expected from Teachers? What type of regulation concerning teachers’ salaries exists? What do teacher recruitment policies look like? Publication available here! This study has emerged as an initiative of the Network of Education Policy Centres addressing the lack of comprehensive comparative studies on teacher policies in the region where its members are […]
SIRIUS – European Policy Network on the Education of Children and Young People with a Migrant Background
The SIRIUS network was established in 2012 with the essential mission of promoting and enhancing knowledge transfer among stakeholders in order to improve the education of children and youngsters from migrant backgrounds. The mission of this network, which counts over 30 members from various EU countries, is based on actions such as knowledge transfer, influencing […]
Making History Work for Tolerance: a Research-Based Strategy to reduce the Intolerant Usage of History Teaching
How political narratives and perceptions of the role of different groups (majority and minority) in society are projected in history teaching? This project aims to offer research-based answers at political, policy, professional and student levels! The project “Making History Work for Tolerance “is a research-based strategy to reduce the intolerant usage of history teaching […]
Local Partnership for Anti-Corruption Education
What are the motives for unethical and corruptive patterns of behaviour in secondary schools? What kind of support CSOs could have in supporting the implementation of Anti-corruption policies in educational systems? The Research The Perception of Petty Corruption and Unethical Behaviour in Secondary Schools in Croatia consists of two parts: 1) gathering qualitative information […]
Climate justice: perspectives from natural and social sciences
Organizer: Institute for political ecology Zagreb, Croatia 13th November 2015 Lana Jurko presented a paper on “Challenges of absorbing „climate justice“ into education system” . The conference aimed to engage researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds in providing specific insights, reflection and discussion at the nexus of climate change science and its political implications. The conference […]
Final conference within the framework of the Joint European Union and Council of Europe Programme “Regional Support for Inclusive Education”
Organizer: Council of Europe Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 5th and 6th November 2015 All platform representatives participated in the final conference of the project in Sarajevo. NEPC coordinated and prepared the panel: Changing approaches which Lana Jurko moderated while Rozeta Hoxhallari CAF was a panellist.
Round Table: Vocational Education and Training (VET) governance in partner countries: what role for the civil society
Organizer: European Training Foundation Turin, Italy 14th – 17th October 2015 NEPC was represented by board member Gordana Miljevic who was a panellist in the panel International experiences of relevant civil society organizations in VET
Addressing Radicalization and Extremism through education
Organizer: Council of Europe Strasbourg, France 23rd – 27th September 2015 Representatives of ministries of education, education professionals and civils society organisations (100 participants) met in Strasbourg to discuss the role of education in addressing extremism and radicalisation. NEPC was represented by Lana Jurko who was a panellist in a panel “Preventing radicalisation through quality […]
NEPC is proud to announce the follow-up event after Summer School 2014. The SUMMER SCHOOL 2014 – Digest aims to present to participants the main topics and themes covered in the Summer School presenting the theoretical views and the country cases of inclusive policies. Innovative teaching methods will be also presented in order to develop […]
The last NEPC publication is a result of the project Making History Work for Tolerance: a RESEARCH-Based Strategy to Reduce the Intolerant Usage of History Teaching in Three EU Member States funded by the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Foundations. The learning activities in this syllabus are merely entry-points, yet they are also […]
World Education Forum (WEF) 2015
Organizer: UNESCO / co conveners Republic of Korea, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UN Women & World Bank Incheon, republic of Korea – 20th & 21ST May 2015 NEPC was represented by Lana Jurko (Ex Di) at the Forum. The WEF 2015 was a final event that discussed global education agenda and moved the policy from […]
2015 NGO Forum
Organizer: UNESCO / Collective Consultation of NGOs on EFA (CCNGO/EFA) Incheon, republic of Korea – 18th & 19th May 2015 NEPC was represented by Lana Jurko (ED) at the Forum and took active part in discussions on the future of education, culminating in the adoption of the 2015 NGO Forum Declaration ‘Towards the right to […]
59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society 2015 Imagining a Humanist Education Globally UBUNTU!
Organizer: Cornell University Washington DC 8th – 13th March 2015 The conference gathered over 2700 participants from all over the world. The Conference is an annual event that brings together experts, scholars and practitioners from the education world. This year’s conference had a focus on Humanist Education. NEPC organized and hosted 3 panels based on […]