Collaboration and diversity awareness at the core inclusive school culture: the principals’ voice

Which are the needs of school principals in Croatia and North Macedonia when it comes to conditions that foster an inclusive school culture?

To answer this question, within the frame of the “HEAD – empowering school leaders for inclusive school culture” EU project, a consortium of NGOs and school principals training institutions lead my NEPC conducted a survey to investigate school principals’ needs in the area of professional development related to inclusion.

While the results of the survey showed that there are no statistically significant differences in principals’ overall needs for professional development in the area of creating inclusive school culture between the countries, nor according to educational level, the principals reported a high need for professional development in the areas of supporting collaboration with other stakeholders connected to school, preparing school staff to respond to students’ diversity, supporting the active participation of parents in school life and supporting inclusive student learning experience.

The recently published analysis provided the basis for the design of a professional development program for inclusion in Croatia and North Macedonia, where such professional development activities are scarce, based on the best practices from Slovenia and the Netherlands and that will pilot five training modules in 60 schools in the two countries.

The full survey report is available here.

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