The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders has entered the third project year!
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders is a Europe-wide network of relevant stakeholders that promotes cooperation and policy development and supports the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. The 4-year project co-funded by the European Union started in January 2019 and is coordinated by the European School Heads Association and currently includes 33 partners from 22 countries.
The network consists of diverse organizations (institutions, associations, non-governmental organizations, universities) in the field of education with different areas of expertise (policy, practice or research). It gathers all relevant educational stakeholders: representatives of school leaders, teachers, parents, education employers, policymakers, education policy centers and educational researchers, with a focus on policies relating to teachers and school leaders working in the field of general education of children and young people. The aim of the consortium’s work is to identify good practices in the field of applied research, educational practice, and current policymaking relevant to the central annual theme.
In the first year, the network focused on the careers and professional development of teachers and school leaders and NEPC contributed with desk research and a report on “Good Practices on Policy Advice and Implementation“.
All publications from year one are available here and you can find the year one desk research reports here.
In the second year, the network focused on the topic of skills and competencies of teachers and school leaders in the digital area from different perspectives, bringing together policy examples, good practice and research evidence. All publications from year two are available here and you can find the year two desk research reports here.
In the third year, the network is focusing on the teachers and school leaders towards a sustainable whole-school approach for quality and inclusive education. The topic will be explored deeper through four desk research:
- Teachers’ and school leaders’ competencies and support for effective blended learning
- A whole school support and networking to ensure school success for all
- A whole-school approach for sustainable development, with a particular focus on the role and competencies of school leaders to support the implementation of it
- Schools as learning communities to support teachers’ and school leaders’ professional learning and well-being.
Finally, at the annual conference, all the main findings on the topic will be abstracted and summarized in the policy recommendations. Follow us to keep up with the recent developments and upcoming publications!