Welcome to the new web-page of the Network of Education Policy Centers!

New web-page marks the beginning of NEPC celebration activities for its 10th Anniversary – celebrations are ideal n individual as well organization lives to present and reflect on achievements while planning for the future having history in mind!

The new slogan of the Network perfectly recaps what NEPC does and how:

Explore I Participate I Change Exploring education with the aim of creating adequate recommendations and proposing evidence-based solutions, Participating in international debates about education and advocating for participative policymaking and proposing effective and sustainable Change in education systems.

Celebration activities planned:

  • International Conference The Primary Colours of Education I 13th & 14th April 2016 I Cavtat, Croatia.

NEPC believes that a holistic approach is crucial for quality education. The quality of an education system is reflected in the values and knowledge it provides, achievable only if it is good for all and if it enhances the personal development of future generations of global citizens.

Education systems are constantly placed in a central role for achieving societal changes, thus increasingly overwhelming education with expectations to be the force of change. Although education cannot change societies alone, it has an important role to play. Current trends in education show the tendency of fragmented approaches to support or oppose certain social movements and social phenomena. The practices of focusing education on individual social issues and agendas cause the lack of comprehensive understanding of its primary functions.

Covering a wide range of topics, the aims of the conference are:

*            to present current phenomena and challenges in education

*            to help identify the characteristics of quality education in all its aspects

*            to outline the primary functions of education today

  • NEPC@10

The publication presents the views of the Network people – members, experts, partners, employees – about its achievements outlining its main features!

The list of most repeated word in the NEPC@10 shows what has characterized the first decade but also defines future directions:

Networking I Cooperation I Family I Support I Fun I Education I Professionalism I Transparency I  Flexibility I Equality I Equitable education I Respect I Commitment I Inspiration I Demanding

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