The Curriculum Framework: Empowering School Leaders For Developing Inclusive School Cultures aims to support organizations that provide and are responsible for the CPD of school leadership, with a tool to create programs, modules, and trainings. A new tool is focused on empowering Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for school leadership to create inclusive school cultures was recently released through the HEAD: Empowering School Principals for Inclusive School Culture project.
Available in several languages, including English, Croatian, Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish, the resource responds to common obstacles school leaders face in creating inclusive school cultures.
Download Curriculum Framework in English
curriculum-framework-in-english.pdf (388 downloads )
Download Curriculum Framework in Albanian
curriculum-framework-in-albanian.pdf (344 downloads )
Download Curriculum Framework in Croatian
curriculum-framework-in-croatian.pdf (330 downloads )
Download Curriculum Framework in Macedonian
curriculum-framework-in-macedonian.pdf (340 downloads )