Training of Trainers – Lead for EcoJustice!

From January 14 to 17, the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) organized a four-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program for partners of the Lead for EcoJustice project. This initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, aims to cultivate school cultures that prioritize ecological justice and sustainability.
The training featured workshops, thought experiments, and cooperative games, engaging participants in hands-on activities to explore ecojustice concepts. Participants described the training as useful, interactive, dynamic, and humanistically oriented. They appreciated the rich yet challenging content, finding motivation through the exchange of experiences and reflections. The structured activities helped clarify ecojustice principles, laying the groundwork for future training sessions and implementation in schools.
The ToT is just the beginning. The program will continue with six-day professional development events for school leadership teams in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, and Slovenia. These events will focus on embedding ecojustice principles into school governance, curriculum, and community partnerships.
The Lead for EcoJustice project is designed to equip school leaders with the knowledge and skills to transform their institutions into hubs of sustainability and justice, ensuring a lasting impact on both students and the broader community.
Stay tuned for more updates on how this initiative is shaping the future of education for ecological justice!