NEPC is about learning for pursuing effective change in education systems.
NEPC organizes 2 types of learning events – Summer School and Policy Lab.
Summer School is a traditional NEPC annual learning event for teachers, policy-makers, policy-analysts, practiceoners, researchers and education friends from all over the world.
Summer schools in the past have covered wide range of topics related to education (teachers’ policy, inclusive education, education for sustainability)with the aim of inspiring change in education system and were attended by about 30 participants every year!
Summer School gathers faculty from prestigious universities and highly experienced trainers from all over the world and it combines theory, practice and interactive sessions.
News about upcoming summer school and reports from previous events can be found here
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NEPC Policy Labs are biannual events based on the comparative policy analysis conducted by NEPC members on a burning policy issue. It gathers policy makers, policy analysts and practioners and consist of learning session where the results of the comparative policy analysis are presented and a policy solution generating session where through interaction and other thinking methods participants generate policy solutions and recommendations for their national education systems.
NEPC Policy Lab 2010 NEPC Policy Lab 2014